If you’ve got a website, a problem can always emerge and it doesn’t necessarily need to be connected to the web hosting service. For instance, something can go wrong when you bring a software application up to date or some vital data could be modified or erased incidentally. Whatever the nature of the problem may be, you’ll need to touch base with the client care staff and ask them to recover a backup or to assist you in resolving the problem that you’re facing. How quickly they will do it will predetermine the time that your websites will be down. For some websites such as social networks or Internet shops, a longer unavailability can too often mean losing users and money. For this reason, it is very important that you use the services of a hosting company that provides not only a good support service, but also a prompt one.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Shared Website Hosting
With a shared website hosting from us, you can just forget about waiting around for hours and hours on end, or even one whole day, to obtain an answer to a client support ticket or an email. Regardless of when you get in touch with us, we will assist you within less than one hour with any sales and technical enquiries you might have. As a matter of fact, our actual reply time hardly ever exceeds twenty to thirty minutes. Since we’re at your service 24-7, you will always obtain help in a timely manner and we realize how important this is in the online era. Soon after you contact us, we will respond to your queries. If you bump into any technical issue, we’ll tackle it on your behalf, or we will give you all the needed information in case there’s something that you have to do on your end.
One-Hour Response Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Hosting
With a semi-dedicated server plan from us, you can take full advantage of our remarkably fast support services. You’ll get a reply to any support ticket posted through the web hosting Control Panel or email sent to our technical and client support team in less than an hour. The response time is guaranteed and it applies irrespective of the issue – billing or technical. Often, it takes substantially less time to examine and solve a problem. We will supply you with more details in case the solution entails something that has to be done on your end. If you touch base with us during holidays or weekends, the response time will be absolutely the same and considering that our support staff will be at your disposal around the clock, you will obtain swift assistance for any technical, billing or general issue irrespective of the hour at which you contact us.